30 unique girl names starting with X with meaning and pronunciation.

“X marks the spot for unique and captivating girl names! The letter ‘X’ has an enigmatic allure that brings a touch of mystery to a name. If you’re searching for a name that stands out from the crowd and carries a sense of individuality, you’ve come to the right place. In this list, we’ve gathered a collection of girl names starting with ‘X,’ each with its own distinct charm and meaning. From classic choices to modern creations, explore the world of ‘X’ names and discover the perfect name for your little one, filled with character and personality.”

Girl names starting with X

  1. Xanthe (ZAN-thee)
  • Meaning: This Greek name means “yellow” or “golden.”
  1. Ximena (hee-MEH-nah)
  • Meaning: A popular name in Spanish-speaking countries, it means “hearkening” or “listening.”
  1. Xiomara (zee-oh-MAH-rah)
  • Meaning: Of Spanish origin, Xiomara means “ready for battle” or “famous in battle.”
  1. Xyla (ZY-lah)
  • Meaning: This unique name has no specific meaning but has a pleasant and modern sound.
  1. Xenia (ZEE-nee-ah)
  • Meaning: Of Greek origin, Xenia means “hospitality” or “guest-friendship.”
  1. Xylaia (ZY-lay-ah)
  • Meaning: A variation of Xyla, also with no specific meaning.
  1. Xara (ZA-rah)
  • Meaning: A unique and modern name with no specific meaning, often chosen for its simplicity and charm.
  1. Xitlali (shee-TLAH-lee)
  • Meaning: A Nahuatl name (an indigenous language of Mexico) that means “star.”

neutral names

  1. Xaverie (za-VAIR-ee)
  • Meaning: A variant of Xaviera, meaning “bright” or “splendid.”
  1. Xylina (zy-LEE-nah)
    • Meaning: A variation of Xylia, which has a modern and nature-inspired feel.
  1. Xitlalit (sheet-LAH-leet)
    • Meaning: Another Nahuatl name, it means “star.”
  2. Xanadu (zan-uh-doo)
    • Meaning: This exotic and mystical name is derived from the name of a legendary city and means “idyllic place” or “paradise.”
  3. Xanthippe (ZAN-thi-pee)
    • Meaning: Of Greek origin, it means “yellow horse” but is also associated with qualities like wisdom and strength.
  4. Xylo (ZY-lo)
    • Meaning: A short and modern name, inspired by the musical instrument, the xylophone.
  5. Ximara (zee-MAH-rah)
    • Meaning: A variation of Xiomara, also of Spanish origin, meaning “ready for battle” or “famous in battle.”
  6. Xylona (zy-LOH-nah)
    • Meaning: A variation of Xylia, which has a modern and nature-inspired feel.
  7. Xenobia (zen-OH-bee-ah)
    • Meaning: A unique name with an exotic sound, but it doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.
  8. Xolani (zoh-LAH-nee)
    • Meaning: Of African origin, it means “peace” or “tranquility.”
  9. Xandra (ZAN-drah)
    • Meaning: A short form of Alexandra, meaning “defender of the people.”
  10. Xylaena (zy-LAY-nah)
    • Meaning: A creative and uncommon name with no specific widely-recognized meaning.
  1. Xaviera (za-vee-AIR-ah)
    • Meaning: A feminine form of Xavier, which means “bright” or “splendid.”
  2. Ximenna (hee-MEN-ah)
    • Meaning: A variation of Ximena, which is a popular name in Spanish-speaking countries and means “hearkening” or “listening.”
  3. Xochitl (SO-cheel)
    • Meaning: A Nahuatl name (an indigenous language of Mexico) that means “flower.”
  4. Xyliana (zy-lee-AH-nah)
    • Meaning: A creative and modern-sounding name with no widely-known meaning.
  5. Xaire (ZAYR)
    • Meaning: A unique and short name with no specific meaning, often chosen for its simplicity and elegance.
  6. Xolara (zo-LAH-rah)
    • Meaning: A modern-sounding name with no widely recognized meaning.
  7. Xyrielle (zy-ree-EL)
    • Meaning: A name with a melodic sound and no specific widely-known meaning.
  8. Xantara (zan-TAH-rah)
    • Meaning: A unique and mystical name with no widely recognized meaning.
  9. Xandria (zan-DREE-ah)
    • Meaning: A variation of Alexandra, meaning “defender of the people.”
  10. Xera (ZAY-rah)
    • Meaning: A short and contemporary name with no specific meaning.

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