175+ Unique Arabic Names For Girls With Meaning

Arabic girl names are rich in history, culture, and significance. Rooted in the ancient Arab heritage and influenced by Islamic traditions, these names carry a profound sense of meaning and strength. Arabic girl names often draw inspiration from nature, spirituality, and human virtues, creating a tapestry of timeless choices that resonate with power and grace. In this exploration, we will delve into the world of Arabic girl names, unveiling their beauty and significance, while highlighting their strong and captivating qualities that make them a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come.

Arabic girl names possess an undeniable allure, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary elegance. Rooted in a heritage that spans centuries, these names resonate with powerful connotations, weaving a tapestry of identity and character. From the poetic beauty of names like Layla, which evokes the essence of night, to the resilient strength embodied by names like Amina, meaning trustworthy, Arabic names for girls stand as a testament to the enduring richness of Arabic culture. Join us on a captivating journey through the world of Arabic girl names, where each name is a testament to the profound significance of language, culture, and heritage.

Arabic names for girls

arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
Lamia Lamia represents “dark beauty” or “seductress,” adding an air of mystique.
NadiaThis name signifies “hope” or “caller,” embodying optimism and aspiration.
SaidaSaida means “happy” or “fortunate,” reflecting a sense of good luck and positivity.
SamiraMeaning “companion in evening talk,” Samira symbolizes sociability and friendship.
Amina Amina, in addition to being trustworthy, also means “peaceful,” conveying a sense of serenity.
Leila Leila is similar to Layla, representing the captivating beauty of the night.
RaniaThis name translates to “queen,” signifying regal grace and authority.
Hana Hana signifies “happiness” or “bliss,” capturing the essence of joy and contentment.
Dounia Meaning “worldly” or “worldly life,” Dounia reflects a connection to the earthly existence.
Soraya This name means “gem” or “jewel,” emphasizing the inherent value and beauty.
FaridaFarida translates to “unique” or “precious,” emphasizing the special qualities of the individual.
AaliyahMeaning “exalted” or “sublime,” Aaliyah conveys a sense of elevated status and dignity.
YasmineSimilar to Jasmine, Yasmine symbolizes grace and charm.
LinaLina means “tender” or “gentle,” capturing the essence of a kind and compassionate personality.
SafiyaThis name translates to “pure” or “sincere,” reflecting a deep sense of virtue and honesty.
Zahra A name signifying “flower” or “blossom,” Zahra carries connotations of beauty and vitality.
Nour Meaning “light,” Nour represents the illumination of knowledge and wisdom.
JasmineNamed after the fragrant flower, Jasmine symbolizes grace and elegance.
LaylaThis name conveys the enchanting beauty of the night, often associated with romance and mystery.
AminaMeaning “trustworthy” or “faithful,” Amina reflects the virtue of reliability and honesty.
ZainabZainab signifies “beauty” or “grace,” making it a popular choice for girls.
HabibaThis name translates to “beloved” or “darling,” expressing deep affection.
Aisha Meaning “alive” or “living,” Aisha is a name that reflects vitality and vibrancy.
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
Saliha Meaning “virtuous” or “pious,” Saliha reflects moral integrity.
RihamThis name signifies “light rain” or “drizzle,” capturing the gentleness of nature.
Maysa Maysa translates to “graceful” or “graceful woman,” embodying elegance.
Sahar Meaning “dawn” or “early morning,” Sahar reflects the beauty of the sunrise.
Razan Meaning “sensibility” or “consciousness,” Razan represents thoughtfulness and awareness.
MalakMalak translates to “angel,” evoking a sense of heavenly grace.
Ayla Ayla is a charming name meaning “moonlight.”
LayanLayan signifies “softness” or “gentleness,” conveying a tender and kind nature.
ShireenShireen means “sweet” or “pleasant,” emphasizing a delightful personality.
SalmaThis name translates to “peaceful” or “calm,” representing tranquility.
AmaniAmani signifies “wishes” or “aspirations,” reflecting dreams and goals.
NoorWhile Nour also means “light,” Noor is a shorter and equally lovely variant.
Yara Meaning “butterfly,” Yara conveys a sense of delicate beauty and transformation.
SamarSamar translates to “evening conversation” or “companion in evening talk.”
Muna Muna means “desire” or “wish,” reflecting aspirations and goals.
Lujain This name signifies “silver,” symbolizing elegance and sophistication.
DalilaDalila translates to “gentle” or “kind,” emphasizing a tender and compassionate nature.
RimaMeaning “white antelope,” Rima has a poetic and nature-inspired quality.
NadiaAs mentioned earlier, Nadia signifies “hope” or “caller,” embodying optimism.
MariamThe Arabic form of Mary, Mariam means “exalted” or “wished-for child.”
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
Maha Maha signifies “wild cow” or “gazelle,” symbolizing grace and agility.
NouraNoura is a variant of Noor, meaning “light” or “radiance.”
HudaMeaning “guidance” or “right path,” Huda embodies a sense of direction.
SaraThis name translates to “pure” or “virtuous,” representing moral integrity.
ZainaZaina signifies “beauty” or “elegance,” emphasizing physical attractiveness.
Naila Naila means “successful” or “attainer of goals,” reflecting achievement.
RahmaMeaning “mercy” or “compassion,” Rahma reflects a kind and forgiving nature.
Nasreen This name signifies “wildflower” or “springtime,” capturing natural beauty.
Mayar Mayar means “moon glow” or “radiance,” evoking a sense of luminosity.
InayaInaya translates to “care” or “concern,” representing a nurturing personality.
Safiyah As mentioned earlier, Safiyah signifies “pure” or “sincere.”
Zara Meaning “flower” or “radiance,” Zara reflects beauty and brightness.
AsmaAsma is a name that means “exalted” or “lofty,” emphasizing high character.
SorayaAs mentioned earlier, Soraya means “gem” or “jewel.”
Hanan Meaning “compassion” or “tenderness,” Hanan represents a caring nature.
Rabia Rabia signifies “springtime” or “fourth,” evoking a sense of renewal.
MunaAs mentioned earlier, Muna means “desire” or “wish.”
Amira Meaning “princess” or “leader,” Amira embodies authority and regal qualities.
Jamila Jamila is a name that means “beautiful,” highlighting physical attractiveness.
NadaNada translates to “generosity” or “dew,” symbolizing giving and freshness.
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
Nashwa Meaning “ecstasy” or “delight,” Nashwa represents intense happiness.
SorayahSorayah, a variant of Soraya, signifies “gem” or “jewel.”
NazeeraThis name means “observer” or “watchful,” highlighting attentiveness.
Mawada Mawada signifies “love” or “affection,” expressing deep emotional connections.
SaharaSahara translates to “desert,” drawing inspiration from the vast landscapes of the Arabic region.
NidaMeaning “call” or “summons,” Nida signifies a beckoning or calling.
TasneemTasneem is a name that means “a spring in paradise,” symbolizing purity and refreshment.
ZubaidaZubaida signifies “beauty” or “adorned,” emphasizing physical attractiveness.
Adeeba Meaning “cultured” or “knowledgeable,” Adeeba reflects intellect and sophistication.
RimaAs mentioned earlier, Rima signifies “white antelope,” drawing inspiration from nature.
MuniraMunira is a name that means “illuminated” or “radiant,” symbolizing brightness.
LayanAs mentioned earlier, Layan means “softness” or “gentleness.”
SamaSama translates to “sky” or “heaven,” evoking a sense of expansiveness.
Basma Basma signifies “smile” or “grin,” symbolizing happiness and joy.
Najla Meaning “noble” or “exalted,” Najla represents elevated status.
Diana Diana is a popular name in Arabic meaning “heavenly” or “divine.”
Ruwaida Ruwaida means “gentle” or “soft-spoken,” emphasizing a mild temperament.
MarwaMeaning “mountain in Mecca” or “fem. of Marwan,” Marwa has historical and geographical significance.
NajwaThis name translates to “whisper” or “secret conversation,” signifying intimacy.
HananAs mentioned earlier, Hanan represents “compassion” or “tenderness.”
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
ReemReem is a name that means “gazelle,” capturing the grace and elegance of nature.
Jana Jana translates to “paradise” or “garden,” symbolizing a serene and beautiful place.
Lina As mentioned earlier, Lina means “tender” or “gentle.”
TalaMeaning “rising star” or “morning dew,” Tala represents hope and freshness.
SaraiSarai signifies “my princess” or “noblewoman,” evoking a sense of royalty.
SamaraSamara translates to “companion in evening talk” or “conversationalist.”
Nahla Meaning “drink” or “quenching of thirst,” Nahla is associated with refreshment.
SahlaSahla signifies “easygoing” or “uncomplicated,” emphasizing simplicity.
RihamAs mentioned earlier, Riham means “light rain” or “drizzle.”
ShahdThis name translates to “honey,” symbolizing sweetness and natural charm.
JoudJoud means “generosity” or “munificence,” signifying a giving nature.
Abeer Abeer is a name that means “fragrance” or “scent,” evoking pleasant aromas.
RashaRasha signifies “young gazelle” or “fawn,” drawing inspiration from nature.
MalikaMeaning “queen” or “female ruler,” Malika represents regal authority.
SanaSana translates to “brilliance” or “splendor,” symbolizing radiance.
NajatNajat means “salvation” or “rescue,” representing a sense of deliverance.
SalwaMeaning “solace” or “comfort,” Salwa embodies a sense of peace and tranquility.
Rabab Rabab is a name associated with a musical instrument, often signifying artistic talent.
Amal Amal signifies “hope” or “aspiration,” reflecting optimism for the future.
HayatHayat translates to “life,” symbolizing the essence of existence.
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
Shaima Meaning “one who is respected” or “honorable,” Shaima embodies dignity.
ManarManar signifies “lighthouse” or “beacon,” representing guidance and illumination.
Najwa As mentioned earlier, Najwa translates to “whisper” or “secret conversation.”
LayalLayal is a name that means “nights,” evoking the mystical allure of evenings.
Najla Meaning “noble” or “exalted,” Najla represents elevated status.
Warda Warda is a name that means “rose,” symbolizing beauty and grace.
LamhaLamha translates to “gaze” or “look,” signifying a captivating presence.
Faten Meaning “tempting” or “captivating,” Faten embodies irresistible charm.
SorayaAs previously mentioned, Soraya signifies “gem” or “jewel.”
TasnimTasnim is a name that means “spring of paradise,” representing purity and renewal.
NadaAs mentioned earlier, Nada means “generosity” or “dew,” symbolizing giving and freshness.
SafiaSafia signifies “pure” or “sincere,” emphasizing moral integrity.
Naseem Meaning “gentle breeze” or “zephyr,” Naseem is associated with pleasant winds.
Bilqis Bilqis is the Arabic name for the Queen of Sheba, signifying regal grace.
Sabah Sabah translates to “morning” or “dawn,” signifying the beginning of a new day.
FadwaMeaning “self-sacrifice” or “devotion,” Fadwa reflects dedication and commitment.
Nahid Nahid means “Venus” or “celestial,” emphasizing heavenly qualities.
Fawzia This name translates to “successful” or “victorious,” symbolizing achievement.
Areej Areej signifies “fragrance” or “scented breeze,” representing delightful aromas.
ShazaMeaning “fragrance” or “aroma,” Shaza is associated with pleasant scents.
arabic girl names ideas with meaning- baby girl names
NadiraNadira signifies “rare” or “precious,” highlighting uniqueness and value.
LumaMeaning “dark lips” or “slender,” Luma has a poetic and aesthetic quality.
Ghazal Ghazal is a name that means “gazelle,” emphasizing grace and agility.
Haneen Meaning “longing” or “yearning,” Haneen represents deep desires and emotions.
NahlaAs previously mentioned, Nahla signifies “drink” or “quenching of thirst.”
SabrinaSabrina is an Arabic name meaning “patient” or “enduring.”
NazeeraAs mentioned earlier, Nazeera means “observer” or “watchful.”
Salsabil Salsabil is a name associated with a spring in paradise, symbolizing purity and serenity.
Nihal Meaning “joyful” or “happy,” Nihal represents a cheerful and contented personality.
Thara Thara translates to “wealth” or “riches,” symbolizing abundance and prosperity.
LubnaLubna signifies “storax tree” or “fragrant,” evoking pleasant scents and nature.
ZafiraMeaning “victorious” or “triumphant,” Zafira reflects a strong and determined spirit.
Widad Widad is a name that means “love” or “affection,” expressing deep emotional connections.
FarahFarah translates to “joy” or “happiness,” emphasizing a cheerful nature.
RazanMeaning “sensibility” or “consciousness,” Razan represents thoughtfulness and awareness.
LaylaAs mentioned earlier, Layla conveys the enchanting beauty of the night.
IbtisamIbtisam signifies “smile” or “cheerfulness,” symbolizing a joyful disposition.
HalaMeaning “sweetness” or “joy,” Hala represents happiness and delight.
Randa Randa is a name that means “tree of good scent” or “scented tree.”
JomanaJomana translates to “pearl” or “precious gem,” signifying inherent value.
Jannatranslates to “paradise” or “garden.” It signifies a place of beauty, tranquility, and happiness.
Kawthar The name “Kawthar,” symbolizes abundance, blessings, and the infinite grace of Allah. It carries a deep spiritual and optimistic connotation, and it is often given to girls with the hope that they will lead a life filled with blessings and goodness.
Assil The name “Assil” typically translates to “noble,” “pure,” or “genuine” in Arabic. It conveys qualities such as honor, integrity, and authenticity
Ikram it translates to generosity,” “honor,” or “hospitality” It embodies the concept of treating others with respect and kindness, particularly by being hospitable and generous.
Samia Samia is a name that means “elevated” or “sublime,” signifying high status.
Maha As previously mentioned, Maha signifies “wild cow” or “gazelle.”
SabaSaba translates to “soft breeze” or “morning breeze,” evoking a refreshing quality.
Jamal Jamal is an Arabic name meaning “beauty,” emphasizing physical attractiveness.
SahiraMeaning “wakeful” or “watchful,” Sahira represents vigilance and alertness.
RiyamRiyam translates to “climbing plants” or “vines,” symbolizing growth and resilience.

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